2024 Private Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement Program

A black plastic pipe with a blue stripe lies in a dug trench to supply water to the house.

In the City of Manitowoc (City), the entire water service (from the watermain to the meter in the home) is owned by the property owner. In the event that a water service needs to be repaired or replaced, the property owner is responsible for all costs. Additionally, if a water service is leaking and the service line is lead or galvanized iron (LSL), the property owner must replace the water service. There are many benefits to replacing your LSL: water pressure and flow improvements, potential higher home value, and a lower risk of lead related health issues.

To aid property owners in replacing LSLs, MPU has been applying for Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SWLP) funds since 2017. MPU has distributed over $2 million dollars of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) funds to over 750 properties over the past 6 years.

In 2021, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) that included funding to be used for LSL replacements. One key aspect of the EPA’s BIL implementation plan is “[ensuring] that disadvantaged communities benefit equitably from the historic investment in water infrastructure.” With that direction, MPU applied for funding focusing on the disadvantaged areas of our community by using census information. MPU is one of 40 communities participating in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead Service Line Replacement Accelerator Program and received funding for seven census tracts within the City. If your neighborhood has been chosen to receive funding, MPU will be reaching out to discuss your specific funding opportunity further. If you have questions, please reach out to our customer service at 920-683-4600.


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