Safety Information

flash light illuminating a circuit breaker

Check out key electric safety information below.

Look Out for Power Lines
Look up and note the location of power lines. You can be seriously injured, or killed, if you, or the object you hold, contacts a power line. Even non-metal objects can conduct electricity. You must keep at least 10 feet of distance from power lines. MPU will de-energize, and re-energize, the overhead electrical service to your home or business free of charge during normal working hours if provided with at least one day of advanced notice.
Call 811 Before You Dig
State law requires that an excavator (including homeowners) contact Digger’s Hotline at least three working days prior to the start of an excavation. It doesn’t matter how deep you are digging—even if you are only using hand tools. Excavation, according to State law (Wisconsin Statute 182.0175) means anything that moves, removes or displaces earth rock or other material in or on the ground. MPU and all other utilities in the area will respond to your request and locate buried utility lines for you at no cost. Call Digger’s Hotline at (800) 242-8511 or by dialing 811. You can also notify Digger’s Hotline, or obtain further guidance, at
Never Trim Near Utility Lines
Did you know that trees and vegetation can conduct hazardous electric current? Never attempt to trim vegetation growing on or near power lines. Only specially trained and equipped personnel can perform this work when vegetation is within 10 feet of a line. MPU performs trimming to ensure minimum clearance to its lines at no charge. Additional trimming may require you to hire a contractor who is qualified to perform this work. Property owners occasionally wish to trim or remove their trees. Safety is paramount and the property owner should know that only certified electrical line clearance arborists can work within 10 feet of power lines. If owners want to remove a tree or any part of it that is closer than 10 feet to a power line, they should contact MPU in advance. MPU will inspect the line at no charge and determine if sufficient electrical clearance exists.  MPU assistance is limited to providing electrical clearances defined in the below policy, topping dead/diseased ash tree limbs, which threaten integrity of MPU primary or secondary lines, and/or temporarily dropping the electric service line to the property so that the owner’s certified electrical line clearance arborist may complete the work. The property owner is responsible for disposing tree and brush material. The property owner is responsible for trimming trees to prevent damage to MPU lines and to prevent damage to the property owner’s service mast. When requested by the property owner, MPU will turn off electricity to the property, temporarily drop the overhead service line and later restore it when the property owner’s work is complete.  MPU performs this work at no charge during normal MPU working hours. Three working days advance notice is requested to schedule this work.

We also include here a copy of our Vegetation Management Policy which outlines our actions for trimming trees and other vegetation management necessary to ensure safe, reliable electric service to our customers.

Call If You See A Downed Line
All lines can be fatal. Never touch or attempt to move any line. Call 911 or MPU at (920) 683-4622 immediately! Keep people away from the line and anything that the line touches (fences, garages,vehicles, buildings, etc.). Be aware that storm damage may hide downed lines. If you are uncertain, then call MPU first.
Always run portable generators outside and away from open windows and air vents. Never run a generator indoors or inside agarageas deadly exhaust gas can accumulate. Plug appliances directly into the generator’s outlet. Use a heavy-duty extension cord that is rated for outdoor use. Follow all manufacture’s recommendations. As an alternative, you may hire a licensed electrician to connect the generator to your house wiring using an appropriately listed transfer switch system. This will prevent your generator from connecting to utility lines and prevent damage to your generator.
During Power Outages
If you were cooking when the power went out, make sure you have turned off ovens and stoves so that they do not become a fire hazard when power is restored. Turn off or unplug air conditioners and sensitive electronic equipment (electric washers, dryers, microwaves, etc.) to protect them from possible power surges.
Pole Attachments
Utility poles are not intended for non-utility attachments. Unauthorized attachments may present a hazard to you and others and are prohibited by City Ordinance. Please do not attach anything to utility poles. For your future reference, here is a copy of our complete pole attachment policy.
Overhead Power Lines Fault Indicator Information
To read more about the Overhead Fault Indicators.

Overhead Fault Indicators
If your home is damaged or flooded, please hire an electrician for an inspection. This is for your own safety. If your overhead service mast is bent or broken, you will need to have it repaired by an electrician before power is restored. Additionally, if you see a damaged meter, please call customer service to schedule a replacement or inspection.


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