POWER OUTAGE – 8.3.2023

Manitowoc Public Utilities (MPU) experienced widespread power outages after a storm came through Manitowoc on Thursday, August 3, 2023 at approximately 4:10PM. Five circuits were affected causing a loss of power to approximately 3,000 customers. As of 9PM, all circuits have been restored and crews are now focusing their efforts on smaller isolated outages.

Much of the damage to power lines was due to toppled trees and broken limbs. Numerous homeowners have had their electric service entrance equipment torn off their house by falling trees, and will need the assistance of private electrical contractors to make repairs. MPU asks that residents exercise extreme caution when venturing out, and be watchful of downed power lines, or branches hanging on wires. Never attempt to remove branches from power lines, and stay away from any downed wires.

Residents can report problems to MPU by calling 920-683-4622. Thank you for your patience as crews worked safely to restore power and thank you to Two Rivers Utilities for providing mutual aid!


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